Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Our Weekly Timetable-Tuesday morning, by Nevis, Sloop and Crofter.

Talking Partners, Nevis, Sloop and Crofter in the library, at the Book Fair.

On a Tuesday morning our timetable looks like this:

8.45am- We come in to class and work silently.
9.00am- Maths in our sets.
10.15- 10.30am Break time outside.
10.30-11.30am Language work. Today we have done a little test of all the grammar we have learned so far this year.
11.30-12.30pm This is when we have the iBook laptops. We have been working on the blog, writing to you!

This morning we also went to a special Book Fair, in the school library, where we can choose to buy a book from a big selection of new books. Our picture was taken there.


Anonymous said...

hello yours day looks nice

from chanel

Anonymous said...

we have more breaks than you

Anonymous said...

Hi Kallio and Kivi,
Do you mean more breaks during the day or during the whole year?