Sunday 23 September 2007

Self-by Rocky...

I am good at sport. I like play computer games and football, too. My hobby is track and field. I don’t like mashed potatoes.


Anonymous said...

Hi it's Graphite here. I like football too, my favourite football team is Rangers. Who is your favourite football team?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky, it's Gr8scot here. My favourite sport is swimming. I like football too. I swim 5 times each week. Do you like swimming?

Anonymous said...

no I don't play rune skap do you play club pengen

Anonymous said...

Do you have a bike?


Anonymous said...

Hi it is trackstar what is your favourite sport?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky

what sport do you like?
I like your blog name.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky it's Graphite here.
Do you have a bike?

Anonymous said...

Hi Dude. What colour of bike do you have? I have 1 orange bike and 1 red bike. What games do you like?. I live on a farm with 121 cows, 112 sheep, 22 geese and 3 ducks. What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 8 o'clock. The sports I like are skiing and motorbiking. I like to relax by watching TV or playing on my gameboy or playstation 2.

Anonymous said...

hi its jigga here what is your favourite sport?

Anonymous said...

Hi its Fearless
Why do you not like mashed patatoes?
What football team do you like?


Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky it's Graphite here. How many times do you do gym?

Anonymous said...

Hei Rocky.
I have just been on holiday and I got another bike.

Anonymous said...

Hei it's dekker what is your favourite subject?

my favourite subject is art.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Rocky it's Graphite here.What is your favouirote sport.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky, do you wach F.1. racing? from Fearless

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky do you like rugby?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky how is your best pal from fearles

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky it's Graphite here. Sorry to ask you this but why do you not like mashed potatoes?I think they're ok but they're not the best food in the world I don't think do you? I think this blog/site is good because we can send comments to you guys in Finland. Do you think it's a good thing or not?I hope to hear from you soon please write back. From Graphite

Anonymous said...

Hei Rocky

have you seen the time table.what do you do in your day.


Anonymous said...

Hie it's Graphite and Parkhead do you like golf ? Because we do.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky do you like snowbording from Fearless

Anonymous said...

Hei Rocky,
What is the biggest snowman you have made?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky It's Parkhead and Graphite here.What is your favourite sport in and out of snow.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky do you like spiders from Fearless

Anonymous said...

Hi its Fearless do you like WWE ?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky do you have dog from Trackstar

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky,

What is your favourite subject at school?
What is your favourite animal?
What is your favourite colour?

from Thistle

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky have you been sleging from Fearless

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky, what do you want for Christmas?

Anonymous said...

Moi Rocky!

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

I am,becuase there is lovely food and lots of presents!

Looking forward to hear from you soon!

Sunrise :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky it's Graphite ja Parkhead here.
What time do you start and finish school?
We finish school at 3.15 ja start at 8.45am.

From Graphite & Parkhead

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky do you go snowboarding?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky
I was looking through the comments and I saw that you like WWE do you like The Undertaker from Smackdown.

From Blackwatch

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky it's Graphite here.

You have a massive amount of comments!! I wish I had as many comments as you.
What sport do you like better, ice skating or snowboarding? I like ice skating better because I have never been snowboarding before. But I wish that I could go snowboarding soon!!.
Do you have to bring your own ice skates or do you get supplied with some?
Did you like our video of our dance? Your name is so cool but do you like my name? Because I quite like my name.
What do you want for Christmas? I want quite a lot of things!!!!!!! I'm glad it's almost Christmas because you get lots and lots and lots of presents and I like tearing the paper open really quickly.
Plus you can see all the happy faces - I think it's great do you?What is your favrourate house pet and wild animal? My favourite house pet is a kitten because I have one ja my favourite wild animal mine is a blue whale and a elephant.

From Graphite.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky do you have a laptop or pc

Anonymous said...

Moi Rocky,
What is your favourite subject at school?
My favourite subject at school is Maths.

Here from you soon from Nevis

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky do you like ice hockey

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky do you like swimming

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky it's Osprey

Hi how are you doing today? ♣♠○•◘☺

From Osprey

Anonymous said...

Hey Rocky!

What is your favrouite colour?

Mine is Blue :o)


Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky it's Graphite ja Parkhead here. We are
having a christmas party.
What would you like for christmas?.
I Parkhead would like a xbox 360 with Halo3

From Parkhead & Graphite.

Anonymous said...

Hei its Dekker Hyvåå joulua I can't wait until Uutta vuotta today we are having a Hollywood disco

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky
We're doing a Hollywood disco today.
A lot of people are coming as celebrities from movies.
We are going to have a red carpet.
We will also have a V.I.P pass to get in.
A lot of people are looking forwerd to having a MOE'S bar from the Simpsons.

Here are some of the celebrities that people are going to be:Dondie is Tony Hawks
Fearless is James Bond
Brockville is Lara Croft
Ibrox is Tom Cruise

From Blackwatch & Gr8scot

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky
What did you get for christmas?
I got a Nintendo wii
Blackwatch Got an XBOX360

From Parkhead & Blackwatch

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky! I cant believe how many coment you have 44! I have 5 do you like skateboarding?

from Dondie

Anonymous said...

Hi Rocky it's Graphite here. Have you still got snow ? Do you like the look of scotland? I like the look of Finland because of all of the snow. It must be so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Do you like PS2's